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A listing of all Supplies for Addressograph, Imprinters, and Embossers.

                                                                          Break-apart Cable Tags

Dog Tags-Bright(Stainless),Dull,Black,Brass,Red,Long Chains,Short Chains, and most colors of Silencers
Addressograph Printing Ribbons
Addressograph Metal Frames & Plates(Sizes:B,E,VV,CB)
Addressograph Parts....Platens, Ribbon Guards
Embossed Plates ( Send us your list )( You can also use the form on this web site)
Imprinter Ink Rollers
Date Plates for Addressograph Imprinters
Plastic Hospital Cards(CR 50 and CR80)
Custom Printed Plastic Cards
Custom Printed Plastic Credit Card with Magnetic Strip

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