Plastic Card Inserter

The ULTIMATE Card Mailing Solution!

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The INSERTER 1500 Pro-Series incorporates a new card attachment module using a double sided Label for efficient and discreet
attachment of the cards to the carrier.

The Inserter 1500 Pro-Series will feed a pre-personalized card from the
automatic feeder, read the magnetic stripe, barcode or chip, access the
database and proceed with the printing of the relevant carrier Information

Attachment  of the card to the carrier will take place only when the INSERTER 1500 has performed a unique security check ensuring 100%
match between card and carrier information.  After the Security check
the carrier is folded and inserted in the envelope, which is then sealed
and ready for Distribution!


Performance:           Over 700 Cards per HOUR    (CPH) depending on printing system and format
Input Hopper Capacity:  Pre-embossed card automatic feed feature. Data Reading System Mag Stripe
Card Dimensions:   ISO standard CR-80 Thickness .40mm to .80mm

For more Information Contact: 1-800-428-4595

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